Understand the Value of Role Mining and Governance

It's often hard to articulate the value of Role Mining and Identity Governance. In this video Sanjay Nadimpalli, CEO of Tuebora answers four often asked questions about these two Tuebora services and how you can make the case for adding them to your IAM stack.

Tuebora Microservices are the Key to IAM Success


Get only the services you need

Tuebora services don't duplicate, they integrate. Get only what you need when you need it and scale as you go.


Make metrics driven decisions across the entire IAM Lifecycle

The lack of visibility hinders decision making and hides the root cause of problems and delays. What your business can't see, it can't fix.


Improve identity hygiene -- Close your orphaned accounts

Tuebora's behavior based machine learning continuously scours your applications looking for unused and seldom used accounts based on role, group and individual showing you where to look.